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[TGB] Baron || Secondary Blue Shadow




Baron, Shadow Tribe Scholar
[Recent Edits]:

[5.18.17]: Baron is DOUBLE READY
[2.1.17]: stinky boy is ready...

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★ [ True Name ]: Ravan
★ [ Name ]: Baron
★ [ Aliases ]: Charlemagne, Redfern
★ [ Reason ]: 
Kit name: His mother thought it sounded strong and cool. Baron is a reference to "Bloody Baron"
True Name: I was super indecisive and I cycled through a few of them and I picked this one but he doesn't go by it

★ [ Nicknames ]: Bear
★ [ Age ]: 51 moons (4 yrs, 3 months)
★ [ Gender ]: Cis Male
★ [ Birthday ]: August 25
★ [ Astrological Sign ]: Virgo ♍

★ [ Birth-Tribe ]: n/a
★ [ Tribe ]: Shadow Tribe
★ [ Rank ]: Scholar
★ [ Mentor ]: n/a
★ [ Apprentice ]: Lucine Io



★ [ Breed ]: Norwegian Forest Cat x Turkish Angora x Moggy

★ [ Description ]:
Tall, sturdy, and every bit as imposing as his brother, Baron is a force to be reckoned with. It can be easily seen the resemblance between the two toms, as Baron has the same milky gray fur swathing over his frame ending in the same dark points and white toes; however, he's his own entity, and once you look past the similar features there are many differences that contrast with one another. The first is of how heavily scarred Baron is-- countless healed wounds from past battles and fights slash over his skin, so numerous and deep that even the longer bits of fur covering the Scholar's body cannot hide them. While the scars themselves are frightening to look at, Baron seems to flaunt them, using them as a symbol of his strength and prosperity. Baron lacks many of the white markings that brighten Casper's pelt, and it gives the scarred cat an even shadier first impression. Lastly are Baron's deep amber eyes. Reminiscent of a bloody sunset, they're rarely widened, instead typically narrowed in a lazy half-lidded expression of satisfaction. Overall, he looks like a tool.

★ [ Height ]: Very tall, he uses his height to add to his dangerous impression. 
★ [ Weight ]: Sturdy and solid, his muscles ripple underneath his fur rather than being hidden underneath it.
★ [ Eyes ]: Flashing amber, they're typically half-lidded.
★ [ Fur ; Length ]: Long but patchy, broken by many scars. It's wild and untamed. 
★ [ Other]: Countless scars criss-crossing his body in various places.



★ [ Brief Personality ]:

Baron is as greasy as an oil slick, as slippery as a serpent. The taste of lies, deception, and corruption are no stranger to his tongue, and there is little that the tom wouldn't do in order to achieve his warped goals. Be it manipulation or domination, Baron has no qualms with using or even forcing others to submit to his demands, making the tom dangerous and generally a sinful being.  Being raised in such a bloody environment that Baron openly relished, there were very few laws governing his behavior; the tom believes in feeding into your wants and desires, as there is no other individual more important in the world than one's own self. It doesn't help that he has such a great understanding of how other cats' minds work, either-- Baron can easily string together the right words in order to convince others to believe his lies, and the tom is an effective actor when it suits him. It's difficult to say what truly motivates Baron other than self-fulfillment and revenge, and whether or not there is much hope for any redemption. What little consolation there is to be had is that for now, he's considerably docile and accepting of his temporary home, easily melding into the role of a dutiful tribe cat. 

Oh, is that so? I thought of you as a much different type of cat. What a shame...
- [ manipulative ]:  characterized by unscrupulous control of a situation or person. 
Bending reality and truths to get what he wants is something that Baron is particularly skilled in. Finding his way around conversations and confrontation come as easily to him as breathing air, and often the Scholar finds it amusing to find loopholes in orders or rules the tribes have created. One of Baron's favorite methods of manipulation are using the naive and defenseless to work in his favor; be it as harmless as pranking a cat he dislikes or as dangerous attempt in harming someone else, Baron doesn't discriminate when it comes to achieving his goals.

I'll wait however long it takes. Sunrises, phases, years-- it means nothing. I'll get what I want.
+ [ steadfast ]: resolutely or dutifully firm and unwavering. 
Hardy and patient, Baron has a firm resolve in his core beliefs and a strong faith in his tactics. Lying in wait like a snake, he purposefully waits until the time is right before striking, observantly noticing when someone is at their weakest or most vulnerable. The less energy he has to expend, the better. While this trait often manifests in dangerous ways, it makes Baron an intelligent strategist and a loyal friend; sometimes it may take time to win his favor, but once you do you couldn't possibly have a more loyal ally.

I'll rip the very breath from your body without so much as a twitch of my whiskers.
- [ violent ]: using or involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something.
From birth, Baron was raised under brutal laws. Attack first, or be attacked. Eat first, or starve. Kill, or be killed. It was the only way to survive within his community, and though his brother grew up with qualms about these ideals, Baron reveled in it. His brute strength and lack of empathy towards others minimized any guilt he could feel toward hurting others, and he found prestige and respect for each battle won. Under tribe laws Baron doesn't have the liberty to validly harm others in order to get what he wants, but his violent nature is only suppressed, not curbed.

There's no cat who can do it better than I, believe me.
+ [ confident ]: feeling or showing confidence in oneself; self-assured.
Baron has a high self-opinion of himself. Though looks aren't particularly important to the tom, he takes pride in each scar that laces through his fur, each graceful movement his claws make in battle. Baron values strength and a sharp wit over everything else in a cat, and in his opinion he's the perfect example of what cats should strive to in that regard. Through his hardships and struggles, the Scholar has learned that the only person who will willingly protect you is yourself, and over time Baron has grown to love who he is, inside and out.

A liar? Why, my feelings are truly hurt! I speak nothing but the truth-- what reason do I have to lie?
- [ decietful ]: guilty of or involving deceit; deceiving or misleading others.
Lying by omission, trickery, and scheming are all acts that come naturally to the pointed tom, and over years and months of practicing Baron has found himself to be particularly good at it. It's difficult for others to prove or pinpoint his lies, and the tom is a very good actor, manipulating emotions and stories into something that will gain his favor with others. Lying is a game to him, and with each success Baron has grown less and less guilty about doing it. At times towards cats he's found he likes, the cat feels some hesitance and guilt in deceiving them, but in the end he reasons that it's all for the greater good-- protecting himself, covering his tracks --in the end. While every lie he tells has some truth in it, Baron is a very imaginative story teller.

My, my. I've never seen such a hardworking cat such as yourself. It's truly inspiring.
+ [ charismatic ]: exercising a compelling charm that inspires devotion in others.
Baron enjoys using his looks, confident attitude, and outwardly gentlemanly attitude to charm others, and flirting is a fun pass time of his. While he's unsure he could ever be a worthy romantic partner, Baron takes a special pride in being able to charm and romance others. Though he may sport many undesirable traits, the tom enjoys making others feel good about themselves in more ways than one. Compliments from Baron are not rare, but those he shows special attention to get more than others. It's easier to fool cats when they trust you, and so Baron practices smooth-talking as often as he can.

★ [ Extras ]:

Theme songs:
Chalk Outline by Three Days Grace
"Woke the F*ck Up" by Jon Bellion



★ [ History ]:

[TW: graphic violence, animal death (murder), abuse ]

[ I. Heat Flash ]
Baron was born in the second litter of one very manipulative and abusive she-cat named Sylvia and one neglectful dad called Cook. From the start, Baron had a very tumultuous and unusual childhood; the rogue group that his mother had made her home in was the pure image of savagery. You either fend for yourself or die, and weakness will not be tolerated. Deplorable acts-- murder, abuse, bullying, and even cannibalism were common, and there were few laws that governed them beyond a very loose social hierarchy. Baron was born within a second litter of three kits: Baron, Casper, and Whisper. From birth, it was clear to his mother what the kits' roles would be. Baron, firstborn, was strong and an angry kitten. Casper, the middle child, was average in every way. Whisper, the runt, was sickly, and Sylvia expected her to die quickly in the night. She didn't, much to Sylvia's dismay, but a part of her wanted to see what Whisper was capable of and so she did not cull her. Moons pass, and the kits grow up as expected, constantly fighting with tooth and claw for attention, food, and dominance; Baron of course was dominant, with Casper trailing close behind. Despite Baron's impressive progress, the young tom lacked a strong social relationship with either of his siblings, much to his chagrin. While he held a strenuous fondness over Casper, he saw Whisper as a leech, constantly annoyed by his brother's efforts to support the she-cat. Frequently, he'd ruin many of Casper's hunts in order to send the clear message of what he thought about their sickly sister, and often Baron would go out of his way to taunt the two of them, jealous over their close relationship. To Baron, Casper deserved the treatment he recieved from the other cats in their group; he was showing weakness, and if he continued Baron was positive that Whisper would take Casper into the grave alongside her. 

[ II. Fever Dreams ]
While Casper spent his time daydreaming about fairy tale cats, Baron spent most of his time rising within the ranks of their group, making friends with the right cats and throwing his strength around in order to gain respect. In his eyes, it seemed as though Casper was determined to fill his head with dreams of lies and kitten down, and in his own way Baron attempted to steer his brother away from this waste, ridiculing the stories and constantly thinking of ways to disprove Casper's theories of the Nandryx cats' real existence. It was with both great relief and satisfaction Baron felt when his sickly little sister began to fall even more ill, and once it was clear to Sylvia that there was no hope of Whisper's recovery, the she-cat instructed both of her sons to end her daughter's life, as "It was time, and it had to be done." Baron was more than ready to rid the world of the leech, and admitted to Casper that he'd never felt anything more satisfying than taking Whisper's life. He was the strongest, and although Whisper was no worthy adversary it brought the dark-hearted tom joy to prove his dominance and faith in his kill-or-be-killed logic. 

With Whisper gone, Baron was more than aware that Casper was the next to go. Cats began to be more open about their hostility toward his younger brother, and Baron himself made no move to stop them, at times even goading them on or joining into the frays. It was time for Casper to prove his worth; he was either strong or weak, alive or dead. It pleased him to no end when Casper began to let go of his 'childlike' behavior, becoming more obedient and strong with each battle won and life he took alongside his brother. In Baron's eyes, they were a team, and they would be closer than Whisper and Casper would ever have been. Baron entertained ideas of taking control over the exile group and reshaping it to fit his whims, an idea that was fed constantly by Sylvia herself. Baron became a force to be reckoned with, deceitful and arrogant as it became clear that there was no cat who could quite match his strength and vigor.

[ III. Boiling Blood ]
Dreams of power were shattered when Casper began to show signs of falling back into his old patterns, and it was no surprise to Baron when one night, the dark tom slunk out of his den and towards the border of the territory. Enraged, Baron followed his brother-- Casper had almost made it past the borders when of course Baron caught up to him, and a confrontation ensued in which Casper laid bare his feelings to Baron. Instead of attacking him, Baron remained quiet. Truly, he believed that Casper would die alone, but he warned his brother that if he ever saw him again, hed kill him, and let Casper leave. Of course, Casper had no intentions of returning, and he began his search for Nandryx.

Time passed, and Baron's disgust and feelings of betrayal only grew with each passing sunrise. He grew harsher and more violent, striking out at innocent cats with no distinction between ideals of the weak and the strong; his old friends were merely bags of flesh and bone in his way, and with each day the air of fear and tension around the group became more and more tangible. Cats who had previously existed in a warped, cruel, yet anarchist harmony suddenly were suppressed under fear of Baron's wrath, and it was no secret that Sylvia was ever present in the scarred tom's ear, instructing him slyly from behind the scenes. However, none of it satisfied Baron. There was still something missing, a score unsettled, and it was Sylvia herself who finally helped Baron to understand who it was that caused rage to boil within his veins-- his traitor litter mate.

Knowing now what he must do, it was Baron's turn to follow the directions within kithood stories he'd so readily dismissed. His mother was more than happy to oversee their home in the tom's absence, and with time Baron found cats who were travelling in the same direction as he intended to go. They called themselves The Enlightened, and although Baron felt no loyalty to a single one of them, he couldn't lie that there was a definite thrill in the prospect of stirring up trouble for the fantasy cats that had distracted Casper for so long. Joining their ranks, he lies in wait until he meets his sibling face to face once more.

[ III. Outbreak ]
- Baron leaves The Enlightened
- Meets Shino
- Shacks up with ST (everyone hates him, but Cenek is like w/e)
- Reunites with June
- Befriends some cats, its cool
- Fights in the war
- Accepted as a ST cat (with a watchful eye)
- Meets Toriel and a few other cats, quickly gets into a wordy argument with her (I can't believe she's classist)
- Makes a few friends with some kits and younger cats
- Develops a paternal bond with June
- Assigned Ceyla as an apprentice and trains her ruthlessly, also viewing her to be a sort of daughter
- Wacky Hijinks

★ [ Relationships ]:

[ Mother ]: Sylvia
[ Father ]: Cook
[ Brothers ]: Haunt, Casper
[ Sisters ]: Whisper, Wraith

[ Orientation ]: Lithromantic Pansexual 

[ Current Attraction(s) ]: ???
[ Past Attraction(s) ]: Many a Cat



★ [ RP Example ]:

★ [ Roleplays ]: tba
★ [ RP Tracker ]:
★ [ Timezone ]: Eastern Standard Time

» Chat: ✖ ; Ask!
» Notes: ✔✔✔ ; yes!
» Skype : ✔✔✔✔✔ ; preferred!
» Comments: ✖✔ ; Maybe?



★ [ App Art ]: aleskay
★ [ App Layout ]: aleskay
★ [ The-Golden-Butterfly ]: admins
Image size
2605x1586px 3.24 MB
© 2017 - 2024 aleskay
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willowthekitty2's avatar
Criticism: cats have whiskers